Page 3 - 2024 CLD Health-100 Magazine
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Adaptive Resistance Exercise……………… 3                Marine Based Supplements   .…………….………. 28
             Advanced Regenerative Medicine…………. 3               Microcurrent Neurofeedback  ……………………. 28
             Air Filter …..…………………..………………. 4                    Migraine Relief …..………………………………… 29
             Air Purifier ………………….….……………... 4                   Mobile Hyperbaric Chambers  ……….…………… 29
             Aloe Vera …………………………………….. 5                        Mobility Balance ………………..…………………. 30
             Ancestral Superfood Seasoning …………… 5               Mold Detection .….………………………………… 30
             At Home Biomarker Testing ………………... 6               Molecular Hydrogen Tablets ..….…..……………. 31
             At Home Test Kit …….………………………. 6                    Neuro Photobiomodulation  ………………………. 31
             Ayurvedic Supplements …………………….. 7                  Nitric Oxide ……………………………….……….. 32
             Bioindividual Bloodwork Analysis ………….. 7           Non-Invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulator ………….. 32
             Biophotonic Scanner ……………………....... 8               Nutrition Supplements.. ………………………….. 33
             Bioresonance Scan ………………………..... 8                  Organically Bound Nutrition …………………....... 33
             Brain Fitness ……………………………........ 9                 Osteoporosis Prevention ……….……………....... 34
             Brain Focused Products ……………………. 9                  Pain Relief – Electrical Stimulation …….……….. 34
             Brain Measurement Platform……………… 10                 Pain Relief - Frequency ………………………….. 35
             Broad Spectrum Detox…………………….. 10                   PEMF …………………......................................... 35
             Cardiovascular Conditioning Device……… 11            Personalized Healthcare ………….…….…………36
             Cellular Repair ..……………………………. 11                   Photon Technology  ..…….……..………………… 36
             Chlorine Dioxide ……………………………. 12                    Physiological Imbalance Screening ……..………. 37
             Cleaning Products – Non-Toxic…………... 12             Plant Stem Cells .…………………………………. 37
             Cookware – Non-Toxic ……………………. 13                   Postbiotic Supplement ……..….…………............ 38
             Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation.….…… 13          Quantum Energy Skin Patches   ……….….….….. 38
             Custom Orthotics…………………………… 14                      Quantum Field Energetics …………..…….……… 39
             Digestive & Immune Health…..…………… 14                Radial Pulse Shockwave Therapy  …..…………... 39
             DNA Bioenergetic Technology..…………… 15               Red & Near Infrared Light Bed ..………..……….. 40
             EMF Protection …………………………….. 15                     Red & Near Infrared Light Pads ………….……… 40
             Energetic Alignment ……………………….. 16                  Red Light Neurotechnology ……….……………… 41
             Essential Oils .………………………………. 16                    Regenerative Solutions .…………….……………. 41
             Food Sensitivity Test …….………………… 17                 Sauna – Full Spectrum Personal  ……………….. 42
             Foot Detox - Dry ……………………………. 17                    Sauna – Near Infrared ……………………………. 42
             Foot Detox - Wet …………………………… 18                     Scalar Waves …………………………..…………. 43
             Functional Imbalance Analysis…….……….. 18            Skin Care with NAD .……………………………… 43
             Functional Body Assessment..……………. 19               Skin Regeneration ..……..………………………… 44
             Gastrointestinal Testing …………………… 19                Sleep Supplement  ……….……………………….. 44
             Glutathione Hydrostat Technology….……. 20            Sleep Therapeutics ……….……………..……….. 45
             Glutathione – Topical Technology ..….…... 20        Spirulina and Chlorella Algae ..…….……………. 45
             Heart Disease Screening.…………………. 21                 Stable Water Clusters .………..………………….. 46
             Heart Nutraceuticals ….……………………. 21                 Stem Cells - Exosomes ……..……………………. 46
             Heart Test ………………………………....... 22                   Structured Water Oxygen Delivery System  ……. 47
             Heat Therapy System …….……………….. 22                  Sunblock - Clean .…………………………………. 47
             High Speed Vibration Therapy …….……... 23            Tennant Biomodulator ………….………………… 48
             Homeopathic Hormone Rejuvenation.…… 23              Tension Release Technology  ……………………. 48
             Immune Support …………………………… 24                       Testosterone Optimizer ………………………...... 49
             Increased Microcapillary Circulation …….. 24        Tissue Regeneration Technology  …………….…. 49
             Ketone Hydration Drink .…………………… 25                 Upgraded Mood   .………………...……………….. 50
             Kidney Repair Product …………................ 25       Vibration Bed with Sound ………………..……..... 50
             Liposomal Vitamin C ………………………. 26                   Water Bottle with Health Boosting Tech. .……… 51
             Liquid Dietary Supplement………………… 26                 Weight Loss ……………………………………….. 51
             Longevity Through Autophagy ….………… 27               Weighted Blankets ……………………………….. 52
             Lymphatic Drainage ………..……………… 27                   Whole Body Scan
                                                                                  ..……………………………….. 52

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